It was a crazy day at work. Which is very rare! lol The end of UAT is tomorrow and I ended up finding a bunch of bugs with one of our projects so that got some people riled up and anxious. But, they were not show stopper bugs, so it was alright. Also, Craig just quit last week and only gave the team 1 day’s notice so we are trying to play catch-up since he didn’t give everyone all of his documentation and left his functional specs in a bad state. I also had a 1:1 lunch meeting with M so I took the opportunity to tell him about the frustrations of testing Craig’s project since the specs aren’t correct. Although M is not perfect, the really excellent thing about him is that he seems to genuinely listen to me when I talk about my frustrations. Also, he told me during lunch how much he appreciated what I do and that he wouldn’t know what to do without me on the team. That felt nice
I finished watching 1 Litre of Tears last night. Wow. What a tragic story. I have been watching it over the course of 3 days and each of those 3 days I’ve felt like I was in a haze, constantly thinking about the main character, Aya, and her disease and what her life must have been like. It was so unfair to her and I couldn’t make sense out of that in my head. I also really struggle with making sense of the huge amount of human suffering that goes on in the world. Not counting all of the genocides and wars and famines, but just thinking about all of the people out there suffering with painful ailments and diseases. Those people are everywhere you look. Even in my own life, I could name several people who have suffered with some painful disability or disease. And yet the world takes little notice of these people. We listen to their stories briefly, say “oh my that’s terrible”, and then two minutes later we’re talking about what we’re going to eat for dinner or what shirt we’re going to wear tonight. Not that taking 3 hours out of your day to sit and feel bad about someone’s situation is going to help anything, but….. I don’t know…. I just feel like we’re not giving them enough consideration.