Yesterday I met up with Drew for lunch and then we hung out at the mall talking for a few more hours. It was REALLY helpful. He and I have such good, deep conversations and it just felt so good. And it seemed like I actually helped him out too. He told me that he had been feeling down since he failed a physical exam for a job that he wanted and that spending the day with me helped him feel better. Yay! Knowing that I helped him feel a bit better was the best part!
Today I attempted to go to a new Presbyterian church that a friend recommended to me. It took a long time to get there so that was irritating. And then when I got there, it was so big and there were so many classes going on, I couldn’t figure out where to go. And apparently I walked in on them filming some children and they waved me off. Like I had any idea where else to go! I walked all through the church and finally left because I couldn’t find anybody to talk to or any signs to indicate where the sermon was being given. Very weird But, my friend said that she could have her other friend introduce me around and tell me what to do, so I will reach out to that guy soon.